002 Salisbury Pediatrics Sean Meyers Photography

010 Salisbury Pediatrics Sean Meyers Photography

Salisbury Pediatric Associates welcomes all new patients. Below you will find a list of items and information required for your first visit. Please visit the Patient Forms tab for printable forms.

What to Bring to Your First Visit

  • Your child's insurance card
  • Your child's social security card
  • Parent's goverment issued photo identification
  • Insurance co-payment
  • Medical records from your previous doctor's office


New patients must call our office to schedule your initial new patient appointment.  After you have become an established patient at our office, you will be able to set up your personal Patient Portal-Online Account.  From there, you can request appointments, request medication refills, and ask our staff and providers any questions, etc. 




Enroll now to make sure your child’s health care needs continue to be met.
If your child is enrolled in NC Medicaid, you will be required to enroll with one of the following NEW Medicaid plans before May 15, 2021.
            Wellcare of North Carolina, Inc.
            United Healthcare of North Carolina
            Carolina Complete Health
            Amerihealth Caritas of North Carolina
            Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina-Healthy Blue

Salisbury Pediatrics will be taking all 5 plans to better serve our patients.

Here’s what you need to do to get started:
             -Contact NCMEDICAIDPLANS.GOV or call at 833-870-5500 OR
             -Complete the enrollment packet that was sent to you by mail from NC Medicaid
             -Select one of the 5 insurance plans listed above                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -Select our Practice by organization:
                                             Salisbury Pediatric Associates

If you do not enroll before May 15, 2021, NC Medicaid will auto assign your child to a to a primary care provider closest to your home. On July 1, 2021, if you are assigned to any other practice other than Salisbury Pediatric Associates, we will NOT be able to treat your child UNTIL appropriate changes have been made.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call our office at 704-216-2020 to speak with a member of our insurance department.