Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

January 18th, 2021

Wang and colleagues looked at over 120,000 children during a 5 year period including the home confinement of the pandemic this year. They found that during the home confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic there appears to be a significant myopic or nearsighted shift for children aged 6 to 8 years of age. It has been well known that a lack of focus on the distant horizon coupled with a persistent focus on a close screen or book will promote myopia and the need for glasses or contacts.

There are now thousands of articles looking at the negative social and physical effects of the pandemic and the lockdowns on children. Mood disorders, abuse, obesity, myopia, muscle/tendon shortening, and on and on. We are going to be looking at the nightmare of lockdowns and school closures for decades.

We have to start finding a balance point of prolonged pandemic decisions that are injuring the next generation with little evidence of a beneficial effect on curtailing viral spread,

Dr. M

De Figueiredo Progress in NeuroPsychoPharm
Wang JAMANetwork
Moore Int J Behavior Nutrition Physiology Activity
Eyimaya J Pediatric Nursing
Zhao Medical Sci Monitor
Einhorn NBC