February 21st, 2022
This picture lays out the benefits of fructose sugar to humans over history versus the dysfunction of the modern Westen diet driving metabolic disarray.
I am almost finished with the fructose breakdown according to Dr. Johnson. Stay tuned.
Dr. M
Fructose in a pictorial explanation!
This picture lays out the benefits of fructose sugar to humans over history versus the dysfunction of the modern Westen diet driving metabolic disarray.
I am almost finished with the fructose breakdown according to Dr. Johnson. Stay tuned.
Dr. M
Effort and Resilience:
Why do we give our kids trophies for playing??? I hold that this is akin to taking away their natural drive to succeed and improve. We are developing a generation of children who think that they are great without having achieved a thing. This is what I call the entitled and shallow.
Over the years, my children and I played stratego, cards and chess often. I never let them win on purpose. For a long time my son, Thomas, could not beat me in Stratego, but then one day I did not give him enough credit and he caught my flag. I was shocked. He smiled and preened. We had such a great moment. He was proud of his performance because he persevered and not because he showed up.
We should be encouraging effort and resilience while praising only significant outcomes and not participation. This is not to be confused with a lack of love when failure or half effort occurs. One always loves, but education on how to improve and then encouragement of the effort is key. Not every child will go to Duke or turn pro in soccer, but every child can be their best and succeed at their God given potential level.
Self esteem and strength:
In the past, I noted that at my children's soccer practices the coaches expect, no require, that parents stay over 100 feet from the practice field. A great idea. The kids can play without the constant verbal banter of their parents (including myself). It also allows them to fall, cry, get up and play on.
If they are truly hurt, they have a coach who provides support and then the failsafe parent around the corner. This hierarchy of support allows a child to understand that adults are there to help and are safe, while unconditional love is always at the parent level.
These and other discussions on parenting are present in the Podcast with Ashley Merryman.
Happy Days,
Dr. M